Hi I’m James, just some guy in a rural community who had some firefighting experience and helped organize his fellow rednecks into crews who were able to work along side BC Wildfire on the Rossmore Lake fire. (And also the webmaster here)
Here are some of the photos from my camera roll presented in roughly chronological order.
These were all shot with my iPhone in the moment. Sometimes I was “capturing a moment” but often I used photography as a way of date/time/geostamping an event, so I could go back later and look at the metadata on the image to tell where/when something had happened.
There are also a bunch of videos I’m in the process of uploading. When they’re up, I’ll update this page.
Clicking on a photo will expand it. Once it’s expanded you can swipe/use arrow keys to go forward or back.
These images are not to be used without my permission, you can contact me at james[at]kcrs.ca